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Fig. 2 | Brain Informatics

Fig. 2

From: Behavioural relevance of redundant and synergistic stimulus information between functionally connected neurons in mouse auditory cortex

Fig. 2

Partial information decomposition of the time-lagged joint stimulus information. A Top: Schematic of the computation of the time-lagged joint stimulus information, defined as the mutual information that the neural responses of two neurons at their information time peaks (yellow and cyan vertical bars in the plots on the bottom) jointly carry about the stimulus category. Bottom: The stimulus information time-course (as function of peristimulus time) of two example neurons as a black line, and the deconvolved spiking activity in each trial as orange lines for the low-frequency tones and as a blue line for the high-frequency tones. B Left: Sketch as Venn diagram of the decomposition of the joint stimulus information into the non-negative components of synergistic (green area), redundant (red area), and unique (grey and white areas) information. The stimulus information carried by individual neurons (in yellow and cyan) is the sum of the redundant and unique information components. The bar plot on the right shows the amount of the joint stimulus information carried by the example pair of neurons in A) (black bar), the stimulus information carried by each neuron individually (yellow and cyan bars), the unique (grey and white bars), synergistic (green bar), and redundant (red bar) information

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