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Table 2 Description of the selected clinical and neuropsychological indexes

From: A robust framework to investigate the reliability and stability of explainable artificial intelligence markers of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease




A test that is composed of 11 tasks to assess cognitive functioning of memory, praxis and language. Specific tasks include Naming Objects, Word Recall, Fingers, Commands, Orientation, Word Recognition, Constructional Praxis, Ideational Praxis and Language. [46]


A test including all elements of ADAS11 as well as a test of delayed word recall and a number cancellation or maze task [47]


The mini-mental state examination rates various cognitive domains, including memory, attention and language. Scores for MMSE range from 0 to 30; lower scores indicate greater cognitive dysfunction.[48]


The Montreal cognitive assessment comprises 12 individual tasks (grouped into cognitive domains, including visuospatial and executive functioning, attention, language, abstraction, naming, delayed memory recall and orientation), which are mostly binary, and are assessed and summed with a 6-item orientation screening and an educational correction to determine a total score reflecting global cognitive functioning.[49]


The Functional Activities Questionnaire evaluates the instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), such as preparing meals and managing personal finances. The sum scores range in the 0-30 interval and the cut-point equal to 9 (dependent on 3 or more activities) is recommended to denote potential cognitive impairment.[50]


The Rey auditory verbal learning test involves five presentations of a 15-word list (List A), each followed by an attempted recall. This is followed by a second 15-word interference list (List B), followed by a recall of List A. It rates different aspects of episodic memory such as the learning rate (RAVLT learning and RAVLT immediate) and delayed recall (RAVLT percent forgetting) [51]


The Everyday Cognition scale is an informant-rated questionnaire that includes one global factor and six domain-specific factors. The psychometric properties in the ECog scale address everyday function and cognition mild impairments reported from both participant (EcogPt) and study partner (ECogSP) [52]