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Table 1 Relation types from (a) the BioNLP shared task 2011 and (b) identified during the relation annotation process by our medical expert

From: An adaptive annotation approach for biomedical entity and relation recognition



(a) Relation types from BioNLP 2011


Two protein or cell components are equivalent


The protein-component is a less specific object-component relation that holds between a gene or protein and its component, such as a protein domain or the promoter of a gene.


Subunit-complex is a component-object relation that holds between a protein complex and its subunits, individual proteins

(b) New relation types


Two proteins linked with the same reaction; the first one is responsible for starting the reaction and the second one responsible for its sustainability


An immune protein with the ability to specifically bound the antigen, a foreign substance, and to neutralise its toxicity


A set of surface proteins typical for a cell lineage or a stage of development


The main cell lineage and the subtypes which are the parts of this larger cell family


DNA and its mRNA (messenger RNA) which translate the gene‘s message to a protein product


Two proteins or molecules which can bind to each other because oft he complementarity of the binding site


Two proteins with the similar structure and function